Don’t Drink No Matter What!

Today, I am going to unwind by letting it all out, and maybe you had a rough week too and need to unwind also, huh? Well, grab your pen or keyboard, and lets get it all out! Writing out my frustrations has often proven to be a great tool against picking up that drink! Once all the crap is out of my head, I no longer have to dwell on it. I can let it all go, and move on!

So, here is the description of my crazy week – it was crazy! Crazy in my head, crazy at home, and crazy at work! Just all crazy, and I am not even PMSing! Ha! And guess what? I am still sober! How is this possible!?

I just don’t drink no matter what! Yep! No matter what! That means when my work gets nuts, and deadlines are fast approaching, and God forbid our #1 guy is on vacation, and people have attitudes, (or maybe I have the attitude ?), and the work is all piling-up and I don’t know what is coming next, and from where, and I can’t imagine how I’m going to get it all done, I don’t drink!

alone beach calm dawn
Photo by Tyler Lastovich on

That means that when I spend three sleepless nights all because I have let my ego take control, and now I have all this swirling crap in my head about what I want to do when I grow up, and who am I really, and where is my life going, and why I haven’t done this and the other like my friends have, and how come I am not as far in life as they are!

That’s right! I don’t drink! I use my tools!

I had to pull out all my tools this week, especially the ones I picked up in the beginning, when I was counting the hours, and minutes till the stores closed so I could feel safe and not like I was just gonna run out at any second, to the nearest place that sold alcohol, and grab the biggest container of wine that I could find and poor myself a gigantic tumbler of wine! (because really, I didn’t use wine glasses!) Ha! That’s right! Oh, but I digress.

Tools! Sober tools are so important, because most of my life I had only one tool and I used it to deal with everything! But my tool broke long time ago and I have never been able to make it work again. So, I had to pick up new tools!

I often find myself singing this song that I found on YouTube, to help my five-year old with his frustration! It’s Elmo and Common in a video about breathing the monster out. (I known what you’re thinking, but give it a chance!) It’s really cool and easy to remember because it is so freaking catchy.

Watch “Sesame Street: Common and Colbie Caillat – “Belly…” on YouTube:

Here are some of my favorite tools:

Take lots of little breaks!

I take a walk, or a drive, or sit in the bathroom for a bit. Any time away from the given situation can ease my anxiety and frustrations.

Drink lots of water rather than lots of coffee!

I keep coffee intake to a minimum, because coffee will not help me stay awake when I am exhausted, instead it will drain me from the nutrients and the water that my body needs to deal with stress.

Repeat the Serenity Prayer, over, and over, and over!

Repeat a positive affirmation, a meditation or a prayer. It focuses me in a different direction and clears my head up from all the negative thinking.

Keep reminding myself that this is temporary!

No matter how I feel at a time, it does not last forever. I may feel like it does, right now, but it’s really does not, and nothing is ever the end of the world, and whatever uncomfortable, crazy period of time I am experiencing it does not have to be the entire day!

Whew! Well, those are few of my main tools! Here is a few more form the Helping Guide

Healthy ways to relax and recharge:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Call a good friend.
  • Sweat out tension with a good workout.
  • Write in your journal.
  • Take a long bath.
  • Light scented candles.
  • Savor a warm cup of coffee or tea.
  • Play with a pet.
  • Work in your garden.
  • Get a massage.
  • Curl up with a good book.
  • Listen to music.
  • Watch a comedy.

I hope you’re doing well, I hope you wrote out some of your frustrations, and I hope that you got a few more tools to add to your toolbox!

Have an awesome day, and remember: don’t drink no matter what!

Connect with Sober Courage on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

13 thoughts on “Don’t Drink No Matter What!

  1. Alcohol is the poison that destroys the human mind, filled with the spirit of lust it makes one blind. Alcohol is the broad open gateway to failure that can destroy a life, so rather stay sober with true love for your wife.


  2. Maggie, this is truly awesome. I love the list of great ideas! I have the Serenity Prayer on a bangle type bracelet, it’s a great reminder to let things go.
    Have a great relaxing weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have removed drinking as an option, but I rarely use the tools I have to keep me from losing my damn mind. Thanks for the reminder, especially about the coffee intake. Seriously, I need to chill with the coffee. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great blog! I am a huge advocate and believer of the power of prayer. It has sustained me numerous times and has helped me immensely. I have also found that my HP always answers my prayers and sometimes the answer is no. There have been times i thought something was a curse and over time it turned into a blessing. My HP truly has done for me what I have been unable to do for myself. You will like the Higher Power chapter in my book Thanks for Letting Me Share. There are 3 chapters titled Getting Here, Staying Here and Higher Power. You will like all of it and identify with it as well. I put this together and use whatever proceeds to buy more books and ship to rehabs across the country. It is another way I pay it forward. Anybody in recovery will identify and enjoy this simple, profound, funny, helpful, book with 368 quotes, quips, anecdotes and suggestions from and for those of us in recovery from alcoholism and substance abuse. Thanks for blogging and thanks for helping us continue with our primary purpose. Keep writing! Best, Steve

